Our central location in the heart of Germany is conveniently situated for travelers and allows a comfortable journey. The city of Fulda has one of the highest ICE-stopping frequencies in the Deutsche Bahn network and is therefore ideally suited for quick transits by train.
Arrival by train:
Exit the train station building in the direction "Ausgang City" and follow the street Bahnhofstrasse. After the Heinrichstrasse is the Lindenstrasse the second crossroad, at which you turn left. After appoximately 250 meters you will reach an intersection. Cross Petersberger Straße and go straight into Goethestraße. After about 200 meters you have reached our hotel.
Arrival by car:
Arriving from north and south travelling on the A7 take the exit Fulda Mitte and drive down Petersberger Straße approximately 3 km towards the city center until you reach the Lindenstraße/Goethestraße intersection. Here you turn left into the Goethestraße and after about 200 m on the left side you will have reached your destination.
Parking on our video monitored hotel parking lot with a gated entrance
Drive past the hotel and turn left. After approx. 80m turn left to the gated entrance. There is a direct entrance from the parking lot to the hotel.
Arriving from the East on the A2 or A4 on to the A7 in the direction Fulda/Würzburg. Take the exit Fulda Mitte and drive down Petersberger Straße approx. 3 km towards the city center until you reach the Lindenstraße/Goethestraße intersection. Turn left here into Goethestraße, after about 200 m on the left side you will have reached your destination.
Parking on our video monitored hotel parking lot with a gated entrance
Drive past the hotel and turn left. After approx. 80m turn left to the gated entrance. There is a direct entrance from the parking lot to the hotel.
Coming from the West on the A 66 take the exit Fulda-Süd onto the B27 in direction Fulda-Süd/Lauterbach. After approximately 8.0 km take the B458, exit Fulda/Petersberger Straße/Fulda Zentrum and turn left onto Petersberger Straße in the direction of Fulda Zentrum. Take the Petersberger Straße for about 1.2 km where you will reach the Lindenstraße/Goethestraße intersection. Turn left here into Goethestraße, after about 200 m on the left side you will have reached your destination.
Parking on our video monitored hotel parking lot with a gated entrance
Drive past the hotel and turn left. After approx. 80m turn left to the gated entrance. There is a direct entrance from the parking lot to the hotel.
Parking: EUR 1.00 per hour / EUR 8.00 per night
Adress coordinates for your GPS navigation system:
ParkHotel Fulda
Goethestraße 13
36043 Fulda, Germany
Some important destination distances:
ICE – Train station Fulda 0.8 km
Closest Autobahn Exit (BAB7) 3.0 km
Historic town of Fulda 0.8 km
Frankfurt/Main Internat. Airport 110 km
Kassel-Calden Airport 120 km
Wiesbaden, Capital city of Hesse 140 km
Fulda Palace Theatre 0.9 km
Cathedral / Palace 1.4 km
Nearest swimming pool 0.8 km
Palace Garden 1.0 km
Fulda Aue (flood plain) 1.2 km
Hotel Esperanto Convention Center 0.8 km
Fulda Galerie Convention Center 4.0 km
Nearest hospital (Städtisches Klinikum) 1.8 km